Part of being trigger-proof is being able to laugh at the ridiculous, frequently embarrassing things that you've tried over the years.
If you scroll down, you will find an old standup comedy set, a video made by some friends in India, my voiceover demo, links to blogs I've written, and a short film I made a really, really, really long time ago.
Let's laugh together at how truly terrible most of this is...
Once Upon A Time Ago, I Was A "Professional" Standup Comedian
SNG Comedy | Viral YouTube Video
This is a video I shot with the very funny Dwayne Perkins for SnG Comedy in Mumbai, India, who spliced it together with clips from comedians around the world.
Almost 3,000,000 people have seen this!
The Comic Strip Live | Late Night Comedy Set
This was filmed on the late show at The Comic Strip Live in NYC.
If you've ever performed for (or even tried to hold a conversation with) a super drunk person, you know what a treat that can be.
I Fleetingly Fancied Myself a Filmmaker
Bombed: a romantic comedy | Short Film
This was created in a week (from "hey, let's make a movie" to final edit in just 7 days!) and is appropriately terrible.
It is posted below in case you want to laugh or have a fondness for first tries without requisite knowledge. I particularly like when the female lead jumps a few inches to the right in the middle of her monologue. Blame the editor (who is also me)!
This is Not My First Attempt at
My Early Writings | Blackmail Worthy Photos
My Train P3 Experience - a new body meets an old mind through a six-week workout program with Nerijus Bagdonas. (Spoiler: this guy is amazing!!! Best workout ever!!!)
40 Days and 40 Mics - a standup comedian in New York City attempts to go to 40 open mics over the course of 40 nights...what could go wrong?
Misfit Mountain - a ski bum in a mountain town tends bar, flirts with tourists, and hits the slopes.
My Very Brief Dream of Becoming a
Voiceover Artist
Sample Reel | I wrote all of the ads...
...because I didn't know how or where to get real ones. Also, I thought that if casting agents laughed at my content, maybe they wouldn't notice that I had no idea what I was doing.